Aadhaar card is a 12-digit number unique identification number issued to the citizens of India by the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India), the Government of India. The card stores personal details in the government database for citizen services and public welfare.
Open google home page and search UIDAI Or How To Check Aadhar Card Status Online.
After this, you need to click on https://uidai.gov.in which appears as a first in the google results as shown above.
After this, you need to click on the My Aadhaar option at https://uidai.gov.in which appears in the front as shown above.
Click on Check aadhar status option from from My Aadhaar option or visit the link https://resident.uidai.gov.in/check-aadhaar
Now, enter the 14 digit enrolment number (1234/12345/12345).
Enter the captcha which is shown to you, as you see in the above image.
Click on the check status button. and you have done with the process.
Updates, corrections and changes can be made to your Aadhar card data under two categories: Demographics and Biometrics.
Demographics includes name, date of birth, address, gender (male, female &other), mobile number, and email id.
Biometrics includes fingerprints, iris scan, and photograph.
Changes to, name, date of birth, address and gender can be made online or through visiting the Aadhaar Seva Kendra. Now you will need to visit the Aadhaar Seva Kendra to make any other changes.
Once you’ve submitted the request for a change, there are two ways to check whether those changes have been made in the database or not.
You can either track the request online easily or call the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) toll free number 1947 for offline status tracking.