Now Aadhar Card has become a part of our life and these 12 digits Aadhar number from UIDAI is now more important than our personal mobile number because all government work or forms require Aadhar Card as their primary identity proof for verification.
So for this we need to update this information about ourselves up to date.
After updating your details in aadhar card. It takes some time to update in a while if someone wants to know what happened, and then they can check their update status on the UIDAI platform. Here we made a complete guide from very start to last on how you check aadhar update status.
Open google home page and search UIDAI .
After this, you need to click on which appears as a first in the google results as shown above.
After this, you need to click on the My Aadhaar option at which appears in the front as shown above.
Click on Check online demographic update status option from My Aadhaar option or visit the link Check Update Status
Now, enter 12 Digit UID (1234/1234/1234) or Aadhar card Number.
Enter Captcha Verification code which is shown to you.
Click on Send OTP button to get OTP on your registered mobile number
Enter OTP received on your mobile number as shown above.
Click on Check Status button to complete the process. And to check the demographic update status
if you want to update anything in your Aadhar card. Here we prepaid a complete guide over how to update aadhaar card details in simple steps with images check here :How to Update Aadhar Card.